Trade Fairs

“When high-calibre speakers, companies and visitors want to work together to provide inspiration for the future of the metalworking industry, it takes more than a projector and a stage. With the specialist programme of Intec and Z, Leipziger Messe offers contemporary formats that inspire and enable in-depth discussion of content at precisely the level that players and listeners want,” explains Ulrike Lange, Project Director of Intec and Z. The focus here is on future technologies, research, the economic and political environment as well as dialogue and networking.

The FORUM.interactive is the central platform that is located directly in the centre of the trade fair and offers speakers and visitors what they have been looking for: Fewer traditional presentations and more interaction and smart formats instead. Science slams, fishbowl talk, Q&A sessions and espresso talks enable professional dialogue at eye level in smaller, productive groups and generate fresh impetus from everyone who is looking to the future of the metalworking industry. On Wednesday – Innovation Day – space will be created to discuss political and economic framework conditions, threatening sanctions and strategic partnerships under the title “A turning point – also in mechanical engineer­ing”. Automation with VEMASinnovativ and grinding technology together with the FDPW will be examined from all angles. The last day at FORUM.interactive will include guided tours and provide an opportunity to meet up with young professionals.

In five different sessions, the technology forum “Additive manufacturing – where do we go from here?” is dedicated to the challenges of a now established technology in combination with conventional manufacturing processes in a variety of industrial application areas. It combines an exhibition of presentations with a themed expert panel. The industry is expect­ing a strong start from the keynote speech by Volkswagen AG, in which Dr Frank von Lacroix will offer insights “From prototypes to production in the automotive industry”. Prof. Dr Dirk Winkler from the Department of Neurosurgery at Leipzig University Hospital explains how far 3D printing and spatial computing will take personalised surgery in the future. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg, TU Chemnitz, Fraunhofer IWS and the companies 3D-Metall Theobald, GEFERTEC GmbH, Alstom Transport Deutschland GmbH, SLV Halle, ALOtec Dresden GmbH, Oscar PLT, toolcraft AG, Nordmetall GmbH and Knowhow Wilhelms GmbH will also contribute their perspectives on the future of additive manufacturing.

hy.tec is a platform dedicated exclusively to production technology for electrolysers and fuel cells. With this additional area, Leipziger Messe is creating an unrivalled forum for experts and decision-makers specifically con­cerned with the production of key technologies for the hydrogen economy and energy transi­tion. What’s special here is that operators, plant manufacturers and a strong supplier industry come together to jointly develop solutions for the challenges of mass production.

In conjunction with the Saxony Economic Development­ Corporation, the international forum “Welcome to Saxony” offers valuable insights into international markets and the current­ perspectives and challenges in mechanical and plant engineering. Participants receive up-to-date market information and can discuss potential projects and export opportunities­ directly with international partners.

The supporting programme of Intec and Z also has a lot to offer. The established CONTACT Business Meetings ensure effi­ciency in the initiation of bilateral discussions. The industry trainee day offers pupils and students guided tours and individual discussions between potential employers and future specialists. At the industry evening on 12 March 2025, 800 to 1,000 guests will come together in the unique KONGRESSHALLE at Zoo Leipzig to network and celebrate.

(Leipziger Messe­ | Pictures: Tom Schulze)

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